Millions of Americans wear braces at any given time. But do they all take good care of them?
After getting braces, you can’t rely on your orthodontist to do all the leg work. In fact, maintaining your braces is mainly done at home.
So make sure you pay attention while reading about six common braces wearing mistakes. Soon, you’ll be able to get your braces off as quickly as possible and enjoy an unobstructed smile.
Benefits of Wearing Braces
Getting braces is a good idea unless you’ve got entirely well-aligned teeth. You can enjoy benefits such as:
- Cavity prevention
- Better aesthetic jaw alignment
- Improved digestion
- Boosted self-confidence
- Bone erosion prevention
- Smoother speech
As you can see, braces aren’t just about fixing crooked teeth. Wearing braces can also improve your overall health and even improve the way your face looks.
Common Braces Wearing Mistakes
However, there’s almost no point in wearing braces if you’re not taking care of them. Ensure that you make the most of this treatment by avoiding the mistakes listed below.
1. Eating the Wrong Foods
Sticky, sugary, and hard foods aren’t great for even braces-less teeth. But with braces, the consequences are even direr with the wrong food for braces.
That’s because the texture of these foods can physically damage your braces, which can hinder their ability to align teeth. Sugar can also increase your saliva’s acidity, creating grime that can build up under your braces.
Unfortunately, this also applies to otherwise healthy foods such as raw vegetables. Carrots, apples, and nuts are all chock full of nutrition. But chewing them can still damage your braces.
Instead, cut these foods up into smaller pieces. You’ll still have to chew, but you won’t have to chew as much as you would otherwise, minimizing your chances of damaging your braces.
2. Skipping Appointments
Never skip your monthly orthodontic appointments for your braces. Or at least, be ready to reschedule to a soon-enough date.
Most likely, your orthodontist will recommend monthly appointments to retighten your braces. Otherwise, your braces won’t do their job as effectively as possible.
These appointments are also crucial for them to gauge your progress. You never want to miss a chance to optimize your experience. If you do, the time it takes to finally take off your braces will be unnecessarily prolonged.
So even if you find it a hassle, never skip your appointments. Short-term hesitation could impact your long-term plans to finally get your braces off.
3. Skipping Daily Oral Hygiene
Your braces won’t reduce your necessity to maintain your oral hygiene. In fact, it’s even more critical if you have braces. It’s crucial that you take care of your braces as well as you’d take care of braces-less teeth.
Brushing infrequently and improperly won’t just cause bad breath. It can also cause tooth decay, associated with the grime built up underneath your braces. Not only will this affect your oral health, but it will also affect your braces’ durability.
Lack of flossing can also do the same. Even if you’re already brushing, no amount of proper brushing can substitute for flossing’s functionality. Patients can get in deep between their teeth and remove any food particles with floss, minimizing the chance of tooth decay.
4. Getting Treated by a General Dentist
“Orthodontist” and “general dentist” are not interchangeable terms. Orthodontists are a type of dental professional that specializes in treating tooth irregularities.
By specializing in this skill, orthodontists offer the best service possible. While a general dentist might still do a decent job, they have different skills than orthodontists. Finding someone specializing in your desired service will guarantee the best results possible.
That’s because orthodontists train specifically for this service. They’ll also develop years of experience for this service, anticipating common pitfalls and navigating new ones more easily.
5. Only Taking Affordability Into Account
Improving dental health is everyone’s right. But you don’t want to actually risk your oral health by choosing an orthodontist purely because they’re affordable.
That’s not to say all affordable options are inadequate. However, any option you choose must have an excellent reputation for quality services. Some businesses even provide flexible financing options for those who can’t afford their services’ usual price tag.
Before you even consider what people say about a service, make sure they’re licensed. You can simply ask them to prove that they possess licensing. Any legitimate business will be happy to confirm its licensing.
It’s possible to do so by double-checking with the Better Business Bureau. But keep in mind that not all businesses are registered with the BBB. You can also contact the Secretary of State for iron-clad confirmation that the business is legitimate.
Afterward, make sure that the prospective orthodontist has excellent reviews. Nearly every business has Google reviews written about them, so you can easily access others’ opinions about your prospective dentist.
Make sure they have great ratings and that you like what customers say about the business. It’s also a good idea to check their website’s uploaded reviews to truly understand their strengths.
Don’t Make These Common Braces Wearing Mistakes
Braces aren’t cheap, and they stay on for a long time. For that reason, ensure that you avoid these common braces wearing mistakes to achieve the most winning smile possible.
At Ross Orthodontics, we understand the importance of a healthy, hearty smile. That’s why we offer some of the best orthodontic services in Greenville, NC. So if you’d like to see a better smile for the long term, contact us today!