Invisalign, or clear aligners, are set to reach a market worth of $20 billion by 2029. The growth in popularity of clear aligners is attributed to their ease of use, comfort, and the fact that it’s an effective treatment for many patients. But, an inefficient Invisalign cleaning routine can result in serious problems.

What are the most common Invisalign cleaning errors, though?

Well, there are quite a few. From unthorough brushing to infrequent cleaning, many patients can see poor treatment results when they forget to take care of their clear aligners. Please keep reading to learn about the most common errors and how to avoid them.

Common Invisalign Cleaning Errors

Invisalign aligners are a versatile and comfortable orthodontic treatment option. They’re great for patients that don’t require much teeth movement, prefer a more aesthetic alternative to braces, and want to eat and drink without anything getting in the way.

As opposed to ceramic and metallic braces, aligners are removable. And, while it’s true that braces don’t require much maintenance, they’re far less convenient and comfortable than aligners. What patients often forget, though, is to stay on top of cleaning aligners because with braces, you only need to brush and floss.

Invisalign aligners are one of many orthodontic treatment options, but they require a bit more involvement from patients. First, they must be careful and protect them with a case while they’re not in use. They also have to build an Invisalign cleaning routine and invest in Invisalign cleaning tools, alongside their normal oral hygiene care routine.

Convenience at a Cost

While it isn’t too inconvenient, patients have to learn how to clean aligners properly. One of the best ways to learn involves taking a look at some of the most common errors. There are seven that stand out the most and if patients keep them in mind, their treatment should be a breeze.

Careless Brushing

While heavy brushing can damage clear aligners, careless brushing can also result in problems. You have to brush aligners on all sides and in crevices. This is important for removing food, bacteria, and other foreign objects.

One of the best ways to make sure you thoroughly brush your aligners is to divide the task into parts. Spend thirty seconds cleaning each section with a soft-bristle brush. Start with the bottom, move on to the sides, then do the top, and then rinse thoroughly. When done, check the aligners against a light source to see if you notice any leftover residue.

Using Hot Water

It’s essential to use cold water in your Invisalign cleaning routine. Hot water can morph the aligners and change their shape. Misshapen aligners, of course, will change how your orthodontic treatment turns out. It can push teeth in incorrect directions!

A straightforward approach to cleaning your aligners safely involves the proper Invisalign cleaning tools. One example is the aligner trays. All you have to do is put the cleaning solution in these trays and let your Invisalign aligners rest in them for a few minutes. Afterward rinse and dry them.

Infrequent Cleaning

You should be cleaning your aligners at least twice a day. And if possible, consider cleaning them separately and brushing your teeth after every meal or snack. While it’s not totally necessary to follow this routine, it helps build the habit of cleaning your aligners regularly. Infrequent cleaning can result in the accumulation of food particles and bacteria, reducing overall oral hygiene.

Eating With Invisalign Aligners

You can remove your Invisalign aligners at any point in the day. While uncommon, some patients forget to remove them for meals. Chewing food can cause severe damage to your aligners. Always remember to remove them before eating a meal or drinking liquids at high or low temperatures.

Forgetting to Brush Your Teeth

Even if you have an excellent Invisalign cleaning routine, it’s also essential to brush your teeth properly. No matter how clean your aligners are, if your teeth are dirty, they will contaminate the aligners. So, make sure to brush your teeth in tandem with cleaning your aligners!

This means you should brush, floss, and use mouthwash regularly. However, don’t do this with your aligners on.

Abrasive Cleaning Products

Using abrasive cleaning products can seriously damage your Invisalign aligners. This includes toothpaste, baking soda, and strong hand soap. To keep your aligners safe, use mild hand soap or denture cleaner. It’s also of utmost importance to rinse heavily afterward, as leftover soap can also cause damage.

If you have any doubts about what cleaning products you should use, consider reaching out to your orthodontist.

Not Cleaning the Case

Whenever you remove your aligners, you should put them in their case, as leaving them out can put them at risk. As such, you should check and clean your aligner case regularly. Remember that a dirty case can leave residue on your aligners, even if you brush your teeth and clean your aligners every day.

Avoid Invisalign Cleaning Errors

Avoiding common Invisalign cleaning errors can mean the difference between a successful orthodontic treatment journey, and having to start from square one with your orthodontist. Regular checkups are essential, but a lot of the responsibility of Invisalign treatment rests on the patient’s shoulders.

For a successful treatment outcome, remember to properly manage your oral hygiene and clean the aligner case. This means brushing and flossing every day, as well. Otherwise, you can expose your aligners to bacteria and food particles.

Additionally, it’s important to make sure you don’t warp your aligners. So, use cold water, avoid abrasive cleaning products, and use a soft brush to avoid physical damage.

Contact us if you’re interested in, or have any doubts or questions about Invisalign treatment for children, adolescents, or adults. Getting treatment on time can prevent issues like crowding, crossbites, and narrow palates. We’re more than happy to guide you through the treatment from start to finish!