It’s estimated that nearly four million Americans wear braces. Braces are an important part of straightening teeth and correcting a wide variety of dental issues. When most people think of braces, they tend to picture the traditional metal ones that are common with teenagers.

While there’s nothing wrong with these types of braces, they are quite noticeable, which can be awkward for adults and teens alike. One solution to this problem lies with ceramic braces.

So what’s the difference between ceramic braces vs metal braces? And how do you find the right option for your needs? In this guide, we’ll discuss these questions so you can pick which option fits your budget, lifestyle, and preferences.

What’s the Difference Between Ceramic Braces vs Metal Braces

As we mentioned, when most people think of braces they tend to picture metal traditional braces. These options connect wires between stainless steel brackets that are attached to each tooth.

They’re effective, but also quite noticeable. That being said, huge advances in metal braces technology have occurred over the years. As such, they’re more comfortable than they have been in the past.

An alternative to metal braces is ceramic braces. These types are much more discreet. That’s because they either use tooth-color or see-through material. That means that it can be hard for a lot of people to even tell if you’re wearing braces at all.

While they are a good option for people who don’t want to call attention to their braces, they’re also more breakable.

Keep in mind that these two types of braces aren’t the only type that many practices offer. Check out this guide to learn more about the different types of braces we offer here at Ross Orthodontics.

Pros of Ceramic Braces

Ceramic braces have better aesthetics. These types of braces material are almost invisible. As such, they’re a great option for people who need to go to work or school but don’t want to attract attention to their teeth.

They’re also much more comfortable than traditional metal braces. The pain from tightening isn’t as intense. And, more importantly, there aren’t any abrasive metal materials.

You see, when metal brackets scrape against the side of your mouth or gums, it can cause cuts and canker sores.

Because ceramics are so smooth, this simply isn’t a concern. Lastly, ceramics can be just as effective as metal braces at treating a wide variety of dental conditions.

Cons of Ceramic Braces

The biggest con of ceramic braces is likely their durability. Ceramic material is much more fragile than metal. As such, if you aren’t careful it’s easy to chip or crack them which can result in expensive repair.

Speaking of braces cost, ceramic braces also tend to cost a lot more than traditional braces. There’s also the issue of staining. Ceramic material is designed to prevent staining from foods.

However, there are some drinks and foods that can result in a lot of discoloration over time. This includes things like red wine, tomato products, and coffee.

As such, if you’re one of the 66% of Americans who need to drink coffee every day, you need to consider this. Moderation and proper cleaning can prevent staining, however, this is hard to do if you’re drinking multiple cups per day.

It’s also important to note that ceramic braces won’t work for everyone. If you require drastic structure changes to your teeth, you might need to go with metal braces instead.

Pros of Metal Braces

Metal braces are durable. Because they’re made of steel that can take more abuse from things like food or bumps/falls. Of course, metal braces aren’t indestructible. That being said, they can be a better option for children or teens who are less gentle with their teeth than adults.

As we mentioned, metal braces are also the more cost-effective choice. So if you’re on a budget, metal material might be better for you. Just keep in mind that even though they’re more affordable they’re still quite expensive – it’s estimated that they cost between $3,000 to $10,000.

Lastly, they’re more versatile. Ceramic braces can typically only address minor or moderate dental conditions. Metal braces, on the other hand, can help with severe issues.

Cons of Metal Braces

The biggest con of metal braces is their visibility. Unless you can manage to keep your mouth closed the entire day, people are likely going to notice your braces.

While this might not be a huge deal for some people, it can make others self-conscious. As we mentioned, there’s also a certain amount of regular discomfort that comes with them when brackets scrape against your mouth or gums.

Lastly, metal braces are a lot harder to clean than ceramic braces. You’ll need special types of flossing tools to navigate between the brackets and wires.

How to Find the Best Orthodontics Team

When searching for a good orthodontics team, the first thing you should confirm is whether or not they offer ceramic braces. Many practices offer traditional metal braces as a standard option.

However, it might be harder to find those that offer alternative options like ceramic, rhodium, and Iconix. As such, you should make sure to check before your visit.

Next, you also want to make sure that they’re providing adequate levels of care. The best way to confirm this is with online reviews. Make sure that past patients have been satisfied with both their results as well as the care they received during routine visits.

Lastly, you want to make sure that they accept your dental insurance. Braces of any type will get expensive quickly.

So if you have good dental insurance, you can get a good portion of the costs covered. The practice should be open about what types of insurance they accept. Ideally, they’ll also offer flexible financing options for people who need help paying.

Need Braces? Contact Ross Orthodontics

We hope this guide helped you learn more about the differences between ceramic braces vs metal braces. Here at Ross Orthodontics, we know that people of all ages can benefit from braces, not just children and teens.

That’s why we use state-of-the-art technology to provide exceptional care to our patients regardless of their age. So if you’re ready to get the smile you’ve always dreamed of, get in touch with us today.