Around 25% of people with braces are adults, which means braces are more popular with kids. However, anyone can get braces, no matter their age.

Braces are the only option you can choose if you want straighter teeth, but how do you know if you need them? It’s easy to tell in some cases but more difficult in others.

The best way to know if you need orthodontic care is by visiting an orthodontist for an evaluation. Additionally, you can know it’s time to see an orthodontist if you experience signs that you need braces.

So, what are these signs? Keep reading to learn!

Crooked or Misaligned Teeth

The most common reason people seek help from orthodontists is when they have crooked or misaligned teeth. You can easily see if your teeth look nice when you smile. If they don’t look nice, what is wrong with your smile?

You might notice crooked or misaligned teeth when smiling. You might also see these issues with your child’s teeth. 

Braces fix misaligned and crooked teeth through braces. Braces shift the teeth into the right places, leaving a person with a nicer smile. 

Some children might need early treatment for the issues they have with their teeth. For example, you should consider orthodontic treatment if you suspect your child might need early treatment.

Orthodontists recommend this for many children primarily because moving teeth with braces is easier when the teeth are small and not fully grown.

You can contact an orthodontist to learn more if you have questions about your child’s teeth. 

Trouble Speaking or Eating

The next sign to be aware of is trouble eating or speaking, as these signs might indicate that you need orthodontic treatment. 

Your speech relies on your tongue touching your teeth. Unfortunately, misaligned teeth interfere with this process. Therefore, braces might be necessary if you or your child struggles to speak.

Eating is another part of daily life, yet tooth problems can also interfere with this process. For example, if your teeth are crowded, misaligned, or crooked, the upper and lower arches might not touch properly.

If this occurs, you might experience difficulties eating. However, you shouldn’t struggle to chew food. If you do, seeking orthodontic treatment is a smart move. 

Bite Problems 

The way your upper and lower arches meet refers to your bite. For example, you have an underbite if your upper teeth align behind your lower teeth. If your upper teeth extend past your lower teeth, it’s an overbite.

Additionally, you might have other bite issues. 

A normal bite should consist of the upper teeth resting slightly in front of the lower teeth. If you have any other bite than this, you might need braces. 

Your bite affects many things, including your smile. Your bite also affects the way you speak and chew. In addition, your bite affects your jaw and looks. 

Braces are one of the most common ways to fix bite issues. When an orthodontist places braces on your teeth, they shift your teeth. However, they can also shift your bite.

For example, orthodontic services fix an overbite by pulling the bottom teeth forward and the top teeth back. 


Overcrowding is another issue that might indicate you need braces. Overcrowding occurs when your mouth can’t fit all your teeth. When this problem occurs, it can lead to many problems.

One problem you might experience from overcrowding is decay. For example, you might have trouble cleaning your teeth when they can’t fit properly in your mouth.

Overcrowding also makes teeth look bad, as it forces them out of place. People with too many teeth might also face difficulties chewing or speaking.

If you have too many teeth, your orthodontist might recommend removing some before using braces to straighten the rest. After getting them removed, your mouth should have enough space to align the remaining teeth.

The opposite problem is hypodontia, which refers to congenitally missing teeth. Some people are born without some of their permanent teeth. When this occurs, braces can also be helpful.

For example, an orthodontist might recommend removing these two primary teeth if you’re missing two permanent teeth. After removing them, they can use braces to fill the gaps.

Jaw Issues

Many people also decide to visit an orthodontist when they experience jaw issues. For example, does your jaw click or pop when you chew or open your mouth? 

You might also experience jaw fatigue when chewing, or you might have jaw pain all the time. Jaw pain occurs for several reasons, and one reason is misalignment.

An orthodontist might correct your jaw problems through braces. If your jaw is not in proper alignment, braces can shift it into place. The result is relief from your clicking, popping, or pain. 

Dentist Recommendation 

The final sign that you need orthodontic care for children or yourself is a dentist recommendation. If you or your children visit a dentist, the dentist might see signs that require visiting your orthodontist. 

For example, the dentist might notice that your child’s teeth are not growing in straight. The dentist might also notice other issues that cause them to refer you to an orthodontist.

You should schedule an orthodontist appointment if your dentist recommends it. 

Seek Orthodontic Care If You See Any Signs

You can seek orthodontic care if you see any of these signs, but you can also visit an orthodontist if you don’t have these signs.

Visiting an orthodontist for a consultation visit is a smart move if you have a child or any concerns with your teeth. Are you ready to learn more?

You can contact us at Ross Orthodontics if you live in the Greenville area. We offer orthodontic care for people of all ages and can help you determine the best action to take.